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Our Solution for your own Clean Energy

SMT's Home Battery System allows residential households to better utilize their self-produced, clean energy from their solar installation by storing the surplus production and use it, when needed, such as in the evening and at night.


A safe, long-lasting and economical energy storage solution with a peace of mind for you and your family.

Our Solution for your own Clean Energy

SMT's Home Battery System allows residential households to better utilize their self-produced, clean energy from their solar installation by storing the surplus production and use it, when needed, such as in the evening and at night.


A safe, long-lasting and economical energy storage solution with a peace of mind for you and your family.

More than just a Battery

The SMT Home Battery is a safe and robust Energy Storage System with a nearly unlimited lifetime, that does not degrade upon cycling and depth of discharge. Combined with its reusability and dual use, our systems are highly economic and offer very low LCOE's & high Returns on Investment.

Many Benefits due to Redox Flow Technology

Our Energy Storage Systems employ the well proven Redox-Flow Technology. Although still a rechargeable battery, this technology differs compared to other batteries in how they work. Unlike Li Ion batteries, redox flow batteries store the energy carrier (electrolyte) as a liquid in separate tanks. In this way the battery is not subject to degradation or constraints in its depth of discharge anymore.

As a result, the capacity of the battery can be fully utilized with unlimited cycling without any effect on lifetime. In addition, the electrolyte can be re-used in another system after the current battery gets decommissioned.

Full Capacity Utilization

Capacity can be fully utilized and is retained over the entire lifespan of the battery.

Nearly Unlimited Cycles

No degradation due to cycling or depth of discharge, battery can be charged and discharged as often and deep as needed.

Capacity decoupled from Power

Energy storage capacity is independent from power rating, allowing for flexible designs and up to 24 h of storage times.

How the System works

The distinctive feature of our Redox Flow Batteries is that the Energy is stored as liquid in separate tanks, allowing to independently scale Power and Energy. It also allows the battery to handle large amounts of energy for extended periods of time.

The two liquids (electrolytes) circulate through an electrochemical cell, that reversibly converts chemical energy into electrical energy through a reduction and oxidation process.

The electrochemical cell consists of two half cells, separated through a semi-permeable membrane. Each half cell contains an electrode, where the redox reactions take place.

The capacity of the battery is determined by the electrolyte volume, whereas the power is governed by the size, as well as number of the electrochemical cells.

Lasts a Lifetime

Unlike Lithium Batteries, that degrade and lose capacity over time, SMT's Redox Flow Batteries can be fully discharged without effect on lifetime, and maintain their full capacity over the entire lifespan of the system - in principle indefinitely. This is because the reactive species are stored in liquids and not in the electrodes.

Where other battery technologies start loosing their capacity and efficiency from the start and are typically replaced every 5-10 years, SMT's systems last 25+ years, irrespective of the number of cycles or depth of discharge.

Replacing Batteries is costly, wasteful and interruptive. Our systems need to be only purchased ones and deliver over the entire lifespan of your renewable installation.

With renewables lasting for 25+ years, our battery systems match the lifetime of your solar assets and do not need to be replaced.

A crucial attribute for a widespread, cost effective integration of renewable energy sources-

Design Flexibility and
Long Duration (LDES)

Having the energy carrier kept in separate tanks, Energy and Power become decoupled, a unique feature of our Redox Flow Batteries. The electrolyte volume determines the Capacity, the size of the cell stack the Power of the battery. The result is a high degree of design flexibility for the user. Power Rating and Capacity can be tailored to a specific application without any overpay. In addition, if at a later point more capacity is needed, just more electrolyte can be added, without the need to purchase a whole new battery.

This setup also enables the ability to store large amounts of energy. While other battery technologies are limited to 1-2 hours of storage times, redox flow batteries are able to store and discharge energy  up to 24 hours. An ability desperately needed for the integration of renewables and with that an economically viable energy transition. Our Batteries are made for Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES).

Low Levelized Cost and High Return on Investment

Capital Cost is only one part of the equation, when purchasing an energy storage system. The return on your investment determines, if the investment is profitable or not. Many battery technologies today have a poor cost-benefit ratio due to their lack of capacity utilization, limited cycling and generally poor lifetime, and need to be replaced before they are amortized.

Our Redox Flow Batteries however, can utilize their full capacity as many times as needed for almost indefinitely, providing the lowest Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS). The high lifetime throughput and non-degrading electrolyte makes our systems highly economical.

Further to that, their Long Duration capability and flexibility creates opportunities for multiple uses and revenue stacking to optimize returns.

After decommissioning, the electrolyte can be re-used in another system, providing  the battery with a residual value at the end of its useful live. There are even options arising to rent or lease the electrolyte, making a system purchase even more attractive.

Sustainable and Ecological

Efficient use of resources and protecting the environment is critical in the manufacturing and operation of energy storage systems. Our Redox flow Batteries are to a high degree reusable and recyclable at the end of their operational life.

The active component of the electrolyte can be used from the steel processing industry, avoiding separate mining. The electrolyte itself only has to be produced once and can be remanufactured with minimal effort at the battery's end of life to be reused in another battery. All the other parts can either be reused again or recycled.

As a side note: Our batteries do not use any rare earth metals or conflict raw materials.

The Power of Vanadium

A versatile Transition Metal

Our Redox Flow Batteries employ Vanadium as the active electrolyte species. It is the fifth most abundant transition metal in the earth's crust, comparable to copper, nickel and zinc. Vanadium for Redox Flow Electrolytes can mostly be sourced from the steel processing industry, and does not need to be mined for each new battery separately.

Safe and non-flammable

Our redox flow batteries are inherently non-flammable and there is no risk of explosion. The electroactive species are dissolved in the aqueous electrolyte with the majority of it being water. Our energy storage systems are safe by design, built with redundancy, sensors and secondary containment to guarantee
safe and reliable operation. 

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